How much does tuition cost?

How can I schedule a tour to see The Cottage in person?

You can also contact the school by calling (415) 461-0822, or by emailing vpcccmarin@gmail.com.

What will my family’s role be at the cottage?

Our school flourishes by each family taking an active role in the organization and day-to-day running of the school. Each family will be assigned a job/position per child. We have a wide range of skillsets needed to keep our little school running smoothly, from gardening to marketing and from laundry to fundraising. Our enthusiastic and hands-on membership sets a fantastic example to our children; many hands make light work!


Any other questions?

Please reach out to us at vpcccmarin@gmail.com or call (415) 461-0822 if you have any more questions. We’d be so happy to speak to you.